We want to preserve and promote Persian language and culture, period.
All SBPHF board of trustees, board of directors and members are unpaid volunteers who donate their time to help promote the goals and mission of our organization.
- Promote our language and cultural heritage to children and youth of Persian heritage Educational opportunities for families in the areas of Persian literature and arts
- Support groups for families and seniors
- Coordination of community support for development of successful individuals
- Promotion and publicity about contributions to the society by Americans of Persian heritage
- Preservation and development of print and digital based cultural resources for our community at large
- Conduct of workshops and events to highlight the contributions of past and present prodigies of Persian Heritage
Our mission is to provide an educational, social, professional and networking
environment for American families of Persian heritage to promote their cultural values and
advance their community interests in the U.S. while preserving and promoting Persian arts and
cultural heritage.